Individual Therapy in Vienna

About Individual Therapy in Vienna

We will make use of talk-therapy to explore your feelings, belief systems and behaviors. A safe space where you can consider your present past or future.

The most amazing thing that happens during the therapy process is when clients have different strategies for breaking a deadlock, when during a session the person begins to see that where they find themselves is not a deadlock. That there is a choice and it is varied.

The presence of choice gives energy and strength to act, to experiment. This is especially valuable when the world is very unpredictable and rapidly changing, when plans collapse, and it’s not always clear what’s next.

My Areas of Expertise


Personal changes and transitions, choosing your career path/ field of work, field of study, finishing your degree, embarking into the working force, career changes and challenges others seem to master with ease.


Obsessively avoiding feared objects or places, which makes it hard to enjoy or complete everyday tasks at home, work or school; Various types and forms of panic attacks.


Loss of pleasure, sleep disturbances, listlessness, lethargy, sadness, feeling of worthlessness, feeling of loneliness, fatigue or loss of energy.


An online consultation (or session) takes place via an online video call using Skype, Zoom or Whereby. We get in touch with you before the call, confirm that you are alone, and we start the session. You can imagine it as being a calm conversation with a friend where you feel comfortable to share your thoughts without the fear of being judged or misunderstood.

The sessions happen from the comfort of your own home, car or any place it would be convenient for you to have a one-on-one conversation with me – all you need is a device with a camera and a stable internet connection. Online therapy is convenient, especially during a pandemic or situation, where you can or do not want to get out of your home or comfort zone.

Therapy can be short-term or long-term – it’s a process unique to each client. The number of sessions depends on your situation and the complexity of the issues you want to resolve. I recommend having therapy for at least one month – which shall be enough to start engaging and noticing changes in your feelings and perceptions of the issue at hand. While some clients get to the desired state of their emotional well-being relatively fast, others may need ongoing support for a year or longer.

Studies suggest that online treatment is just as effective as a face-to-face alternative. For instance, a meta-analysis (Barak, Hen, Boniel-Nissim & Shapira, 2008) combining results from 92 scientific studies and 9000 clients compared traditional and internet-based therapy and found no difference in effectiveness. A growing body of research provides support for online practices as a legitimate therapeutic activity.

Generally I suggest having our sessions once a week or bimonthly. Having said this, it solemnly depends on you and what you feel you need.

Normally each of my clients I work with pays for the sum due at the end of each month. If you are in another country, and we agree on online-therapy, we will work through standard bank transfers. Details I discuss with each client individually via phone and email.

You can cancel the session up to 48 hours in advance by contacting me.

Yes! The first step is always a first short call to discuss your goals and get to know each other. Just fill out the form to the best you can, and I will get in touch with you soon.